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D Pharma 1st Year Animal Cell जंतु कोशिका Notes || HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ||

D Pharma 1st Year Animal Cell जंतु कोशिका Notes  

Animal Cell:- Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organism. All the living organisms can be categorised into unicellular (examples protozoa, yeast and bacteria) and multicellular organism (examples plants and animals). 

D Pharma 1st Year Animal Cell


1. The fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane was given by _________ 

  1. Christian de Duve 
  1. Robert Hook 
  1. Danielli and Davson 
  1. S.J.Singer and G.L.Nicholson 
2. Which of the following is known is power house of the cell? 
  1. Microsome 
  1. Mitochondria
  1. Golgi bodies 
  1. Ribosome 
3. The diameter of mitochondria is ______ 
  1. 0.5-10 micrometer
  1. 0.1-0.5 micrometer
  1. 10-20 micrometer
  1. 0.2-0.6 micrometer
4. Lysosome was mitochondria is __________
  1. Christian de Duve 
  1. Robert Hook 
  1. Danielli and Davson
  1. S.J.Singer and D.G.Nicholson
5. Which of the following is known as sucidal bag? 
  1. Microsome 
  1. Golgi bodies 
  1. Mitochondria 
  1. Lysosome 
6. The diameter of microsome is ______
  1. 100-200nm
  1. 20-200nm
  1. 50-500nm
  1. 100-500nm
7.In microsomes , lipid content is approximately______ 
  1. 30-50%
  1. 40-50%
  1. 20-30%
  1. 10-20%
8. Which of the following mostly includes the inactive DNA? 
  1. Euchromatin
  1. Chromosome
  1. Heterochromatin
  1. Nucleolus 
9. The Golgi body consists of membrane-bound stacks called as ____ 
  1. Cisternae 
  1. Cephalin 
  1. Oxysomes 
  1. Euchromatin 
10. Which of the following is known as the control centre of the cell? 
  1. Ribosome 

  1. Nucleus 
  2. Mitochondria 
  3. Microsome 

डी फार्मा D Pharma की वार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए अतिमहत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न कुछ इस प्रकार हैं। 

Very Short Answer Type Questions 

 Q.1 Define cell? 

Ans:- A cell, the crucial unit of life in science, is the littlest substance equipped for supporting life processes. It classifies into prokaryotic (e.g., microorganisms) and eukaryotic (e.g., plants, creatures) types.

 Q.2. What are Eukaryotic cells? 

Ans:- Eukaryotic cells, tracked down in plants, creatures, parasites, and protists, are mind boggling cells with a characterized core containing hereditary material. They recognize from prokaryotic cells by their layer bound organelles and core.

 Q.3. Which is known as the powerhouse of the cell? 

Ans:- The mitochondrion is known as the powerhouse of the cell.

Short Answer Type Questions  

Q.1. Explain cell with its components  

Ans:- A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms. It contains various components that work together to sustain life. 1. Cell Membrane:- The outer boundary of the cell, regulating the passage of substances in and out. 2. Cytoplasm:- A gel-like substance within the cell where organelles are suspended, and many cellular activities occur. 3. Nucleus:- The central control center, containing genetic material (DNA) that governs cell functions and heredity. 4. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):- A network of membranes involved in protein and lipid synthesis. 5. Ribosomes:- Small structures where protein synthesis occurs, either floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. 6. Golgi Apparatus:- Responsible for modifying, packaging, and transporting proteins produced by the endoplasmic reticulum. 7. Mitochondria:- Often referred to as the powerhouse, mitochondria produce energy (ATP) through cellular respiration. 8. Vacuoles:- Storage sacs that can hold nutrients, waste products, or other substances. 9. Lysosomes:- Vesicles containing enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris. 10. Cytoskeleton:-

A network of protein filaments (microtubules, microfilaments) that maintains cell shape and assists in cell movement.

These components collaborate to maintain the cell's structure, facilitate communication, and carry out essential functions for the survival and reproduction of the organism.

Q.2. Explain Plasma membrane is a selectively permeable membrane  

Ans:- The plasma membrane is a selectively permeable barrier that encases cells. This means it allows certain substances to pass through while restricting others. The selective permeability is crucial for regulating the internal environment of the cell.

The membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer, with hydrophilic (water-attracting) heads facing outward and hydrophobic (water-repelling) tails facing inward. This arrangement forms a barrier that controls the movement of molecules. Small and non-polar molecules, like oxygen and carbon dioxide, can pass through the lipid bilayer easily. However, larger, polar, or charged molecules require specific transport proteins to cross.

This selective permeability enables the cell to maintain homeostasis by controlling the entry and exit of substances. It allows the cell to take in essential nutrients, expel waste products, and respond to changes in its external environment. The plasma membrane's dynamic nature and regulation of molecular transport are vital for the proper functioning of cells.

Q.3. Write a note on cell cytoplasm? 

Ans:- Cytoplasm is the gel-like substance filling the cell's inside, assuming a urgent part in cell exercises. Including water, particles, compounds, and natural atoms, cytoplasm fills in as the vehicle for different cell processes. Key Characteristics: 1. Organelle Support:- Cellular organelles are suspended by cytoplasm, which serves as a scaffold. This three-layered network works with the associations and developments of organelles, guaranteeing appropriate cell working. 2. Metabolic Reactions:- Cell digestion, enveloping glycolysis and different enzymatic responses, happens in the cytoplasm. This incorporates the combination of proteins, carbs, and lipids significant for the cell's food. 3. Transport Pathway:- Inside cytoplasm, various vehicle proteins work with the development of particles, atoms, and cell parts. This unpredictable vehicle framework guarantees the guideline of substances entering and leaving the phone. 4. Capacity and Support:- The Golgi apparatus and other cytoplasmic structures, such as the endoplasmic reticulum, aid in the transport, modification, and storage of cellular products. Organelles for storage are found within the cytoplasm of plant cells as vacuoles. 5. Dynamic Cytoskeleton:- The cytoskeleton, made out of microfilaments, microtubules, and middle fibers, keeps up with cell shape and works with cell developments. These dynamic structural components are housed in cytoplasm, which serves as their medium. 6. Transmission of cellular signals:- Flagging particles and pathways frequently work in the cytoplasm. Receptors, flagging proteins, and the hand-off of data between cell parts add to cell correspondence and reaction.

Q.4. Write a short note on nucleus of cells? 

Ans:- The nucleus is a vital component of eukaryotic cells, serving as the cellular command center and repository of genetic information. Enclosed by a double membrane, the nuclear envelope, this organelle plays a pivotal role in cellular functions and inheritance.

The nucleus stands as the cellular epicenter, orchestrating genetic processes essential for cell function, growth, and reproduction. Its regulation of genetic information contributes to the complexity and adaptability of eukaryotic organisms.

Key points 1. Genetic Repository:- The nucleus houses DNA, the hereditary material that carries instructions for the cell's structure and function. Chromosomes, composed of DNA and proteins, are organized within the nucleus. 2. Nuclear Envelope:- A double membrane with nuclear pores, the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm. These pores regulate the passage of molecules, ensuring controlled communication between the nucleus and the rest of the cell. 3. Nucleolus:-Located within the nucleus, the nucleolus is involved in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis and ribosome assembly. Ribosomes, essential for protein synthesis, are then transported to the cytoplasm. 4. Genetic Regulation:- The nucleus directs cellular activities by regulating gene expression. Transcription, the synthesis of RNA from DNA, occurs in the nucleus. Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries genetic instructions to the cytoplasm for protein synthesis. 5. Cellular Reproduction:- During cell division, the nucleus undergoes a precise process known as mitosis (or meiosis in sexual reproduction). This ensures that genetic material is faithfully distributed to daughter cells. 6. Epigenetic Control:- The nucleus is involved in epigenetic mechanisms, influencing gene activity without altering the DNA sequence. Epigenetic modifications play a role in cellular differentiation and response to environmental cues.

Long Answer Type Questions  

Q.1. Write a note on the chemical structure of plasma membrane with its nature and functions. 

Ans:- "Chemical Structure of Plasma Membrane: Nature and Functions"

The plasma membrane, a crucial component of cells, exhibits a dynamic and selective structure that enables its multifaceted functions. Composed primarily of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, this bilayered structure plays a pivotal role in maintaining cellular integrity and regulating molecular transport.

"Main Chemical Components" 1. Phospholipid Bilayer:- Lipid Composition:- The basic framework of the membrane is a phospholipid bilayer. Phospholipids have hydrophilic (water-attracting) heads and hydrophobic (water-repelling) tails, arranging themselves to form a barrier between the intracellular and extracellular environments. 2. Proteins:- Integral Proteins:- Embedded within the lipid bilayer, integral proteins span the membrane, contributing to its structure and serving as channels or carriers for specific molecules. Peripheral Proteins: Found on the membrane's surface, these proteins interact with the inner or outer membrane surface and play roles in cell signaling and structural support. 3. Carbohydrates:- Glycolipids and Glycoproteins:- Carbohydrates are often attached to lipids (glycolipids) or proteins (glycoproteins) on the extracellular side. They participate in cell recognition, signaling, and adhesion. "Nature of Plasma Membrane" 1. Selective Permeability:- The membrane is selectively permeable, allowing certain substances to pass through while restricting others. This property is crucial for maintaining cellular homeostasis. 2. Fluid Mosaic Model:- Described by the fluid mosaic model, the membrane is dynamic and exhibits flexibility. Lipids and proteins can move laterally within the bilayer, contributing to the membrane's adaptability. Functions of Plasma Membrane:- 1. Cellular Barrier:-The membrane forms a barrier that separates the internal environment of the cell from its external surroundings, regulating the passage of ions, nutrients, and waste products. 2. Cell Signaling:- Proteins on the membrane surface participate in cell signaling, transmitting signals from the extracellular environment to the cell's interior and coordinating cellular responses. 3. Transport:- Integral proteins act as channels or carriers, facilitating the transport of specific molecules across the membrane. This includes passive processes like diffusion and active processes such as active transport. 4. Cell Adhesion:- Proteins on the membrane surface are involved in cell adhesion, allowing cells to connect with each other and form tissues. 5. Recognition and Immune Response:- Carbohydrates on the membrane's outer surface play a role in cell recognition and the immune response, assisting the immune system in distinguishing between self and non-self cells.
Understanding the chemical structure and functional dynamics of the plasma membrane is fundamental to comprehending cellular processes and the maintenance of overall cellular health and function.

Q.2. Enlist intracellular component of cell and explain double membranous structure. 

Ans;- "Intracellular Components of a Eukaryotic Cell" 1. Nucleus:- The central organelle containing genetic material (DNA) and governing cellular activities. 2. Mitochondria:- Organelles responsible for energy production through cellular respiration. 3. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):- A network of membranes involved in protein and lipid synthesis. Rough ER has ribosomes, while smooth ER lacks them. 4. Golgi Apparatus:- Modifies, packages, and transports proteins and lipids produced by the endoplasmic reticulum. 5. Lysosomes:- Vesicles containing enzymes that break down cellular waste and foreign materials. 6. Peroxisomes:- Organelles involved in the breakdown of fatty acids and detoxification processes. 7. Cytoskeleton:- A network of protein filaments (microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments) providing structural support and facilitating cellular movements. 8. Ribosomes:- Cellular structures where protein synthesis occurs, either free in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. 9. Vacuoles (in plant cells):- Membrane-bound sacs involved in storage of nutrients, waste management, and maintaining turgor pressure. 10. Chloroplasts (in plant cells):- Organelles containing chlorophyll, responsible for photosynthesis and converting light energy into chemical energy. "Double Membranous Structure" Several intracellular components exhibit a double-membranous structure, which involves two lipid bilayers surrounding the organelle. The significance of this structure varies among organelles: 1. Nucleus:- The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane known as the nuclear envelope. Nuclear pores in the envelope allow the controlled passage of molecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. 2. Mitochondria:- Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, have a double membrane. The outer membrane serves as a protective barrier, while the inner membrane, with numerous folds called cristae, contains proteins involved in energy production. 3. Chloroplasts (in plant cells):- Similar to mitochondria, chloroplasts have a double membrane. The inner membrane forms thylakoids, where the photosynthetic pigments are located.

The double-membranous structure provides additional compartments within the organelle, allowing for specific and organized functions. It also enhances the efficiency of processes occurring within these organelles by providing a more controlled and specialized environment.

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